How to Use a Glass Cloche for Aromatherapy Candles

Aromatherapy candles have become a popular way to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall wellbeing. These candles are often infused with essential oils, which release their therapeutic properties when heated. One way to enhance the benefits of aromatherapy candles is by using a glass cloche, which creates a more intense and concentrated scent. In this blog, we will explore how to use a glass cloche for aromatherapy candles and maximise their benefits.

Here’s How to Use a Glass Cloche for Aromatherapy Candles

  • Choose the Right Candle - The first step in using a glass cloche for aromatherapy candles is to choose the right candle. Look for candles that are made from natural materials, such as soy wax or beeswax, and are infused with essential oils. Avoid candles that are made from paraffin wax, which can emit harmful chemicals when burned. It is also important to choose a candle with a scent that you find relaxing and soothing.
  • Select the Right Glass Cloche - The next step is to select the right glass cloche. The cloche should be large enough to fit over the candle and provide enough room for the scent to circulate. Look for a cloche that has a wide base and a tall, domed top. The top of the cloche should be high enough to allow air to circulate around the candle and the essential oils to diffuse.
  • Place the Glass Cloche - Once the candle is burning, carefully place the glass cloche over the candle. The cloche should be placed directly over the candle, without touching the flame. This will allow the heat from the candle to circulate inside the cloche and enhance the scent of the essential oils. It is important to handle the cloche carefully, as it can become hot during use.
  • Monitor the Candle - While using a glass cloche for aromatherapy candles can enhance their benefits, it is important to monitor the candle and cloche during use. Never leave a burning candle unattended and keep the cloche away from any flammable objects. It is also important to allow the candle to burn for no more than four hours at a time to prevent the wax from overheating.
  • Clean the Glass Cloche - After using the glass cloche, it is important to clean it to remove any soot or residue. Wait for the candle to cool before removing the cloche, and then carefully wipe it down with a soft cloth. If there is any residue inside the cloche, fill it with warm, soapy water and let it soak for a few minutes before cleaning it with a soft cloth.

Using a glass cloche for aromatherapy candles can enhance their benefits and create a more intense and concentrated scent. At Novenary, we have a wide range of luxury candles for you to choose from, and an impressive range of glass cloches. You can find your ideal combination by browsing our range today, or by getting in touch with our helpful team.

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